What makes Harness Projects so unique is the quality of our company partners. You’ll get a chance to work on real world projects with some of the company partners listed below. A world-class portfolio and set of experiences in the making.
These companies give you experience working on some of the world’s largest and well known brands.
Our pool of companies has been hand-picked to help you build a portfolio that will stand out from the crowd. With house-hold brand names such as Qantas & IKEA, plus social impact companies like Save The Children, what better way to start your career!
These companies get you experience in solving complex social issues. As more companies focus on their social responsibilities, these projects will improve your employability.
As digital technologies permeate every aspect of our lives, Designers, Product Managers and Cyber Security specialists will play a critical role in shaping the future of the world we live in. This is your opportunity to bring your skill set to global and local issues and positively impact those around you.